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Forum > Mods > Source Mods > Empires v2.2
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# 46
Atompilsner  (53)
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Dabei seit: 08.06.2008
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Also ich hab jetzt noch einen kleinen Logikfehler bezüglich der HIT gefunden.
Und zwar lässt sich ja die HIT im selben Abschnitt des research trees erforschen wie vorher die nuke. Nun stimmt es aber das die HIT eine Aerosolbombe ist und daher rein gar nichts mehr mit Kernspaltung oder Kernfussion zu tun hat aber trotzdem lässt sich diese unter Physics erforschen.
Viel logischer wäre es zum beispiel die HIT in einem neuen abschnitt von physik unterzuordnern.
21.12.2008, 12:50 Uhr Anzeigen
# 47
Dr. Terro  (31)
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Dabei seit: 30.07.2006
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Der Research-Tree wird in absehbarer Zeit ohnehin überarbeitet.
21.12.2008, 14:21 Uhr Anzeigen
# 48
CrimsonMoon  (37)
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Dabei seit: 27.10.2008
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Empires Mod Update 24.9.2010

2.26 (20MB)

Client Update 2.26

Server Update 2.26


Empires 2.26 RC3 Changes



+ Scaled physics push for tanks driving out of vehicle factory to behave properly with different tickrates.
+ Allow building artillery tank with 2 small artillery cannons.
+ Changed vehicle cooling skill bonus from 25% to 15%.

+ Seismic grenade was always doing 100 additional damage.
+ Fixed wrong ironsight accuracy modifiers.

Empires v2.26 RC2
September 24, 2010

Empires 2.26 RC2 Changes

+ Scouts with radar stealth are not visible on minimap.
+ Scouts are not visible on minimap when hiding.

+ BE not seeing BE buildings.
+ Building damage resists parsed improperly were set to 0.
+ Updated vehicle presets to match modified armors.

Empires v2.26 RC1
September 23, 2010

Empires 2.26 RC1 Changes

Balancing Changes:
+ Wages:
x. Doing actions gains players "wage"
x. Wage is a players personal res pool
x. Wage is taken before team res while building a tank
+ CV Engines Heat Output At Idle 1>0|Heat Output At Max 2>4

+ Increased heat of all mgs:
X. std mg 0.1>1
X. bio mg 0.5>1.5
X. 50 MG 0.2>0.8
X. 50 HMG 0.2>0.8
X. DU MG 0.5>1.5
X. DU HMG 0.75>1.7
X. Chaingun 0.3>0.35
X. chain med 0.5>0.6
X. HE MG 1>3.5
X. Plasma MG untouched

+ HIT:Force increased to 100,000
+ Ranged Cannon: Damage 70 > 60 |Heat 14 > 11| Cycle time 1.5 > 2.0
+ Plasma Cannon: Damage 30 > 55 |Heat 26 > 20| Heat to target 20 > 10
+ Homing ML: Damage 70 > 75
+ Upgraded Homing ML: Damage 85 > 90
+ Salvo Homing ML: Damage 40 > 43
+ Bio MG DoT Reduced by 1 per interval (6>5, functional DoT 90>75)

+ Absorbant: HP from 55->60| speed to damage from -0.0075 to -0.008
+ Reactive:Damage modifier from 0.9 to 0.8|hp from 70 to 65

+ Changed repair values for all vehicles(except CVs)
X. repair station hull repair from 25 to 15
X. Engineer hull repair from 1 to 2
X. repair station armor repair from .25 to 1
X. Engineer armor repair from .1 to .05

+ Improved Detonation Compounds: time 90 to 30
+ Explosive Shells: Time 60 to 120
+ lvl 2 turrets 90 sec > 45 sec
+ lvl 3 turrets 120 sec> 90 sec
+ regen armor 150 sec > 90 sec
+ reactive armor 120 sec > 90 sec

+ NF JEEP: increased cost by 5 (55->60)

+ BE pistol2: Reduced falloff to 400(from 600) Reduced damage to 14(from 19). Removed burst
+ Gren: Mine start ammo : From 5 to 4
+ Scout: Smg2 ammo from 60 to 80 | Starting Smg2 ammo from 20 to 40

+All buildings resists to mines to 0.9 (except engi camera/radar, walls and AF)

+ Infantry resists:
X. Scout|Mortar resist 0.1>0 Mine resist 0.10>0.11
X. Rifle|Mortar resist 0>0.05 Mine resist 0.30>0.11
X. Gren |Mortar resist unchanged Mine resist 0.15>0.11
X. Engi |Mortar resist 0.1>0 Mine resist unchanged

+Ticket Bleed of 1 per 60 seconds after a team loses all spawn points.

+ Vehicle skills (speed, damage, cooling and armor) give 25% boost by default.
+ Rifleman infantry damage skill gives 25% boost by default.

+ Support for empires entities to fade and have choices like parenting and have dynamic shadows etc.
+ FGD with the correct vehicle spawner names and chassis (and number system)
+ More Lua bindings and examples. Commands to run Lua code are slua_file and slua_string.
+ Lua support for advanced research conditions (multiple prereqs, forks, etc)
+ Coordinates in the voice status, changed position to not be obstructed by other gui elements.
+ Slow ticket bleed if team has no spawn points (to trigger sudden death). emp_sv_norax_penalty_interval, default is 60.
+ Promote to lead button for squads.
+ Color coded vehicle count. Green means unrestricted vehicle factory.
+ Client-side server bans. Malicious servers are manually added to it by developers.
+ Metric/imperial option for speedometer
+ Check for emp_info_params while starting the server. Should give proper error message.
+ Show max vehicles on GUI
+ Made rank points and titles scriptable.
+ Support for ML impact particles
+ Support for GL explosion particles

+ Chassis-specific armors.
+ Bits of Steamworks API.
+ Attack orders. Functionality replaced by visibilty of enemy units on minimap.

+ Removed reloading of clips for vehicle weapons. Vehicle weapons have infinite amount of clips.
+ Switched to LuaJIT.
+ emp_sv_debug_instant_build is not a cheat.
+ Minimum spawn protection changed to 3s.
+ Removed AllocTempVector to check if it improves performance (potentially less locking).
+ 2nd skill gets activated after getting 10 rank points.
+ Empty's Particle Patch 1
+ The detail overlay on canyon cliffs.
+ The detail overlay on the canyon rock models.

+ Crash in vehicle spawner.
+ Weapon X and Y kick were using same random stream.
+ Grenade launcher particles.
+ Double damage from hitting turret.
+ Server checks for semiautomatic weapon. Fixes exploit.
+ Duplicate network variables for grenades.
+ Prediction errors related to stamina.
+ Vehicle spawner not ignoring research when specified.
+ Slow weapon lookup from scripts.
+ Prediction error related to zoom not being run on client.
+ Player collisions with teammates.
+ Bots not respawning.
+ Melee not triggering lag compensation.
+ Hilltop texture in canyon
+ GL nuke particles.
26.09.2010, 19:40 Uhr Anzeigen
# 49
sebastian  (40)
Nachricht offline
0 Punkte
Dabei seit: 15.05.2004
100 Beiträge
Empires Mod Update 11.10.2010

Quelle: http://www.empiresmod.com/drupal/node/45

2.26 (ca. 60MB)

Client Update 2.28 Mirror1 - Subscribers and HLSW user only
Client Update 2.28 Mirror2

Server Update 2.28 Mirror1 - Subscribers and HLSW user only
Server Update 2.28 Mirror2

Empires 2.28 Changes

Balancing changes:
+ Homing Salvo reload time 5 s -> 10 s.
+ Rail Gun Clip size 40 -> 15 and reload time 2 s -> 7 s.
+ Turret Level 2 and 3 research time 90 s and 90 s.
+ Standard CG damage 24 -> 28, cycle time 0.025 s -> 0.05 s, weight 70 -> 60
+ Guided ML Clip Size 4 -> 5 and Heat 8 -> 7
+ Upgraded Guided ML Clip Size 4 -> 5 and Heat 10 -> 8
+ CV armor 250 -> 200, hull 2000 -> 1000.
+ 10% faster RPG missiles.
+ HE cannon heat 22 -> 15, Ranged cannon heat 11 -> 10.
+ Modified infantry weapon scripts.

+ Parallax occlusiong mapping shader. Use VertexLitParallax or LightmappedGeneric. Brenodi jeep uses POM as a test.
+ emp_sv_debug_build_vehicles allows building vehicles without VF.


+ Don't allow making squads without forming previous squads (ie. can't create Bravo without someone creating Alpha first).
+ Readded 9th mining.
+ Changed automatic visibility on minimap:
- infantry spots enemies within 5000 inches
- infantry doesn't spot other infantry
- buildings spot infantry within 1000 inches
- buildings spot other enemies within 5000 inches (small buildings like MG turret don't spot)
+ Moved viewpoint on Brenodi Medium tank to the back.
+ Updated manual.
+ Updated emp_escort.
+ Updated emp_isle.

+ No warning about problem with finding commander armor.
+ Memory corruption on server at level shutdown.
[Beitrag wurde 2x editiert, zuletzt von sebastian am 12.10.2010, 10:32]
11.10.2010, 22:17 Uhr Anzeigen
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